David's Counseling Experience

I am qualified to counsel in both the educational and public sectors.  Educational counseling has influenced my life greatly and left a lasting impression, but the public arena has become my passion over the course of my career. Since 2007, I have counseled Frederick County citizens suffering from substance abuse issues while working for the Frederick County Health Department. I am proud of the knowledge and ethical boundaries that I acquired as their employee.

With an undergraduate degree in communications paired with a masters in counseling, I have a thorough understanding of how to connect with people and know how to motivate my clients through the stages of change.

Whether an individual has just begun in their substance use or have been tormented by years of addiction, I can help them find peace and serenity.  Intensive outpatient treatment supervisor in Frederick County Adult Detention Center, Treatment Coordinator for Frederick County Drug Court, and a founding member/Treatment Coordinator of Frederick County Veteran's Court provides me more than enough skills to treat clients privately.  

My years of working with outpatient and incarcerated populations will allow me to meet all of your addiction needs from any perspective.  There is no addiction too small or too intense for me to help you find your freedom.