Professional Group Practice
Headquartered in Frederick, MD with a satellite office in Thurmont, MD, Brooks Behavioral Health Services, LLC, prides ourselves on meeting every client with integrity and love. Our group practice specializes in treating substance abuse, mental health, psychiatry, and criminality. Whether you’re in active use, recovery, or seeking information about addiction, we are here to meet your needs. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns.
Our therapists have been practicing for decades and have a very unique approach to counseling. We think "out of the box" when it comes to the use of innovative approaches to help our clients recover from substance abuse and manage mental health issues.
Get in touch with us to set up an assessment, or use the contact form to inquire whether our services are right for you.
Our Services
All services provided by Brooks Behavioral Health Services will be individualized to center around each client's needs and strengths.
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What Is Criminogenics?
Whenever criminologists are trying to determine causes of crime, part of that analysis examines the criminogenic needs of an offender. They often ask the question, 'If the offender had this (something the offender clearly needs and is lacking), would he have still committed this crime?' Criminogenic needs are characteristics, traits, problems, or issues of an individual that directly relate to the individual's likelihood to re-offend and commit another crime.
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Our Frederick Practice
The Frederick office entrance is located on Court Street in between 2nd and 3rd Street, downtown Frederick.
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A Top 10 Service
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