I am David Charles Brooks, Clinical Director/Owner of Brooks Behavioral Health Services, LLC in Frederick, MD. Formally a program manager with the Frederick County Health Department, I oversaw all criminal justice treatment in Frederick County. I have worked in the substance abuse arena for almost ten years. My career has always allowed me the opportunity to work with the most intensive clients in this field. I truly enjoy watching them come out of bleak situations and find new paths for living.
Nuggets of Love was started when I was running Intensive Outpatient groups within the jail program. After every group, the members would ask for a couple of nuggets of love. The nuggets became a major part of groups and individual sessions. The clients would want to talk about the nuggets more than the curriculum. I would see people after being released from incarceration and they would approach me for just one nugget to get them through the day.
When I departed from the health department, the clients wondered how they were going to receive my nuggets of love. So, I created a blog to record all my nuggets for the world to read. The nuggets are thoughts, tools, and inspirational thoughts for people to think about to see life in a different and unique light. Not all the nuggets will be for everyone, but they will allow you the opportunity to see someone's struggle in a different way.
In this blog, you will find weekly Nuggets of Love and Food for Thought which will stimulate your brain while providing important education about substance abuse issues. The blog was created for people suffering from addiction, for recovering from addiction, or for someone that knows a person that has an addiction.
I would love to have your feedback or questions on every post because your comments will allow people to grow and learn. Addiction is taking over our communities and families, and I will not allow it to keep moving in this way without doing something about it.
With love,
David Charles